

Step necessary to fly a PHX using QGroundControl

Flying with QGroundControl instead of Fly PHX is not advised. This guide and functionality are intended to be used under extenuating circumstances.

Sentera does not control or publish QGroundControl and Sentera does not provide any support for QGroundControl outside the specific use outlined in this article. 

Install QGroundControl

Install the current version of QGroundControl for you desired device. Windows is the recommended host platform.

QGroundControl Download Link

Open QGroundControl


Create PHX Datalink Connection

Use the Q button in the upper left hand corner to open the pop-up menu.

Select Application Settings




Select the Comms Link button on the left hand side.

Select Add.



Enter the following information as show.

Name: PHX

Automatically Connect on Start: Checked

Type: UDP

Port: 14550

Server Addresses: (press add server)

Press Ok




Select the PHX link.

Press Connect.


Note: nothing will connect until the PHX is powered on, the CommsBox is powered on, and the CommsBox is connected to the laptop.


Once the PHX and related items are connected, telemetry will appear on the Fly Screen and QGroundControl will enunciate messages like Fly PHX.



QGroundControl Settings

Select the Q button in the upper left hand corner to open the pop up menu.

Select Application Settings.



Select the General button.

Select the shown settings.

  • Use PreFlight Checklist

  • Enforce PreFlight Checklist

  • Show Simple Camera Controls

  • Minimum Altitude: 150ft

  • Maximum Altitude: 400ft

  • Go To Location Max Distance: 3300ft

  • Source: TCP-MPEG2 Video Stream

  • TCP URL:

  • Default Mission Altitude: 200ft



Select the Q button in the upper left hand corner to open the pop up menu.

Select Vehicle Settings.



Select Camera on the left hand side.

Verify the settings are as shown:

  • Trigger Mode: Distanced based, on command (Survey mode)

  • Trigger Interface: MAVlink (forward via MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE)



Select the Safety button on the left side.



Set the following as shown:

  • Battery Warn Level: 30%

  • Battery Failsafe Level: 20%

  • Battery Emergency Level: 0%

  • Data Link Loss Timeout: 60s

  • Max Radius: 8202ft

  • Max Altitude: 1312ft

  • Climb to Altitude of: 328.1ft

  • Loiter Time: 60s

  • Loiter Altitude: 328.1ft

  • Disarm After: 3s


Select the Power button on the left hand side.

Set the following as shown:

  • Number of Cells: 4

  • Empty Voltage: 3.5

  • Full Voltage: 4.05

  • Voltage Divider: 13.653

  • Amps per volt: 36.368



At the bottom of the Fly Screen the desired telemetry data can be selected using the edit feature. The highlighted items are recommended for use with PHX.




QGroundControl Operation

The operation of QGroundControl is very similar to Fly PHX with some minor differences.

Navigate to the Plan menu.

Select File → Survey.



In the Mission Start Mission Item set the following as shown:

  • inital waypoint altitude: 200ft

  • Flight Speed: checked, 35.8mph

  • Mode: Checked, Survey

  • Cruise Speed: 35.8 mph



Select the Takeoff Mission Item.

Drag the takeoff waypoint approximately 500ft from the Launch point. The distance can be seen at the top of the screen as shown.



Press Done.

Then return to the takeoff mission item and set the following:

  • Altitude: 200ft

  • Pitch 18 degrees



Select the Survey Mission Item.



Set the altitude and overlap as desired.

Set the turn around distance to 400ft.

In the options menu ensure that Images in turnarounds is checked.



Move to the Camera Tab as shown.

Select Sentera in the first drop down.

Select Double 4K Sensor in the second dropdown.

Ensure landscape is selected.


This is how to use the Double 4K for standard overlap flights. Instructions for stand count camera settings are shown below.



Select the Terrain Tab as shown.

Select Calculated Above Terrain.



Use the following terrain following settings:

  • Tolerance: 15ft

  • Max Climb Rate: 0mph

  • Max Descent Rate: 0mph



Select the landing mission item.

Place the landing pattern into the mission.



Ensure the following is set in the landing pattern mission item:

  • Use loiter to altitude: checked

  • Altitude: 131.2ft

  • Radius: 246.1ft

  • Landing Point Altitude: 0ft

  • Glide Slope: 6.0 Degrees

  • Stop taking photos: checked

  • Stop taking video: checked



Then Press upload at the top of the screen to send the mission to the vehicle (requires PHX to be connected).




For Stand count camera settings use the following:

In the camera tab in the survey mission item, select Manual (no camera specs).



Return to the overlap tab and set the following:

  • Altitude: 150ft

  • Trigger Dist: 200ft

  • Spacing: 225ft

  • Turn Around Distance 400ft



Use the Fly button on the left hand side of the plan menu to return to the Fly Screen.



If the PreFlight checklist does not open use the checklist button to open it. The preflight will be required to open the start mission slider.



The preFlight checklist built into QGroundControl is generic for fixed wing aircraft. its is HIGHLY recommended to use the PHX pre-flight checklist and follow those steps. The pre-flight checklist for Fly PHX does not require an active connection to use. However, you will need to skip the automated checks. Upstream QGC should detect these auto checks in a different menu.



Because the airspeed calibration is not in the QGC preflight checklist you will need to do the following before every flight to calibrate the airspeed sensor.

Use the Q button in the upper left hand corner to open the pop-up menu.

Select Vehicle Setup.



Select Sensors on the left hand side.



Select Airspeed.



The calibration routine will begin. Perform this as normal with PHX.



The flight modes are located in different places in QGroundControl. To access the flight modes select the region in the top bar where hold/mission flight mode are shown. A pop-up will appear.

Only use the following flight modes. The non-listed flight modes require hand controller input and work work for autonomous modes.

  • HOLD





If you need to emergency stop the aircraft while in flight Select the region on the screen where it says Ready To Fly or Armed.

Use the button shown to open the arm/disarm/emergency stop slider.



Camera/Payload Webpage

The camera interface that is in Fly PHX is not available in QGroundControl. To monitor the camera in flight do the following:

  • Open a web browser while connected to the aircraft

  • enter the following in the address bar:

  • The Camera webpage will appear and display the camera status.

  • This can remain open during the flight.

  • DO NOT START A WEB SESSION allow the camera to start a session on its own.



To manually trigger images use the on screen trigger interface.

Select the camera icon as shown.

Select the Camera Trigger checkbox.

When the red button is pressed the image count on the camera webpage should increment.


Remote ID Monitoring


To monitor the Remote ID status open a web browser (or another tab) and enter the follwoing in the address bar:

Verify that the self test shows: self-test success



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