Return to Land

Return to Land


Return to Land (RTL) is used to tell the aircraft to stop whatever it is doing and go to the landing pattern.

How to Use

Return Button

Press the Return button button in the left hand menu of the Fly screen.

A confirmation slider will appear at the bottom of the screen.


Confirmation Slider

Use the confirmation slider to send the command to the aircraft.

Fly PHX will enunciate “Return flight mode”.



The aircraft will navigate to and perform the landing pattern.



Abort Slider (Optional)

Any time the aircraft performs a landing the abort command will become available.

The landing abort should be used anytime the pilot feels that the aircraft or people are at risk during the landing approach.

The confirmation slider will appear on the screen when the aircraft enters the final approach portion of the landing pattern.

Using the landing abort will command the aircraft to perform a full throttle, full pitch up maneuver to get the aircraft clear of the landing zone.




The aircraft will loiter over the landing point until a new command is sent to the aircraft.



When to Use

The RTL command is useful for many reasons and should be used whenever the pilot feels they should.

Common uses are:

  • To avoid local air traffic.

  • To land the aircraft in case of an emergency.

  • To land the aircraft for a battery swap.

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