



The help menu contains links, buttons, and information that a PHX pilot may find useful for learning more about their PHX, or trouble shooting.

Using these links/buttons on iOS (iPad) will open a web browser application, navigating the device away from Fly PHX. This will activate the lost communication timer if the aircraft is in flight. You will have 60 seconds to return to the Fly PHX application before the aircraft will activate the lost communications failsafe and perform a return to land.

Support Links

The support links buttons will open an internet browser and direct you to the web pages that are listed.

An internet connection is required to use this feature.




System Links

The PHX and its components host several local webpages.

Some of these webpages are useful for pilots while others are useful for helping Sentera customer support when they need to troubleshoot.




Pilot Pages


This will open the camera payload web interface. This can be useful for observing camera status or session details. Most of this information is mirrored in the camera icon on the Fly screen.



Remote ID

This will open the Remote ID web interface that displays the result and current status of the PFST. It also allows the user to set an emergency status. The Remote ID icon on the Fly screen also contains a button that opens the web interface.


RTK Base Station

If an RTK base station is being used with the PHX this button can be used to open the base station web interface for making adjustments to the base station settings.

See the RTK base station user guide for more details.


Support Pages

The support pages don’t offer pilots useful information or functionality during normal operation of the PHX. They are considered troubleshooting tools only.

  • CommsBox

  • Ground Radio

  • Air Radio

  • Autopilot

  • RTK Payload



Last Known GPS Position

The last known GPS position of the aircraft will be displayed here.

This information is persistent and will not disappear or update until a connection with an active PHX is established.

The Open Location in Browser button will open up a we browser and display the shown coordinates in google maps.

This is a useful tool in locating a PHX that may have encountered a problem.

This will not show exactly where a lost PHX will be if the connection to the aircraft was lost before the aircrafts whereabouts became unknown. It its a tool to help identify the last known location, which may or may not be near the missing aircraft.



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